Sunday, August 25, 2019

Schindler's List Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Schindler's List - Movie Review Example Schindler, a business man in the film, becomes depicted as a person who is profit oriented and self-centered in character (Thomas 3). The film majorly centers on the life of this character as he does around with his life. Apart from Schindler, the film also had Itzhak Stern, an accountant for Schindler. Itzhak in the story becomes depicted as a worker and a lover of his own people. The essay therefore, will analyze the relationship between the two characters in detail and assess some of the way the film managed to use communication concepts (Thomas 4). At the start of the film, Schindler manages to meet and talk with his accountant, Stern concerning his motif to buy the Jewish enamelware factory. Schindler in the film becomes depicted as self-centered and had profit making character. Since Stern had the brains and the zeal to run some of the businesses Schindler had, Schindler trusted Stern. The factory had earlier on been closed by the Nazi’s, but Schindler saw a way of makin g money through it (Zaillian & Keneally 33). Without thinking about the repercussions of buying the company, Schindler insisted he wanted to buy it. Stern did not approve of Schindler’s intentions as he acted as if he did not respect the Jewish community. Schindler in the early scenes could be viewed as a traitor of his own people. ... In terms of non-verbal communication, in the film, Stern shows some gestures of not approving and disliking Schindler’s opinion of wanting to buy the factory, simply by not accepting to have a drink with him. In addition, Stern got some facial expressions suggestive of disliking the idea (Loshitzky 23). Stern in the film becomes depicted as a clever person that does most of the brain thinking for Schindler. Stern ensures that the enamel factory which Schindler wanted become bought, though used bribery. Deeper in the film, Stern saves the lives of his fellow Jews through coming up with ideas that helped in closure of the Plaszow labor camp (Loshitzky 76). In addition, it is Stern that runs the factory that ended up helping thousands of Jews by employing them and not making them ‘non-essential.’ Stern cared a lot for his people right from the very start of the film and did whatsoever possible to ensure they were safe. Stern becomes depicted as the total opposite of Schindler, though the two remain related. In the beginning of the film, the relationship between Stern and Schindler was more of the business type. Schindler in the film depicts characteristics opposite from Stern. As Stern cared for his Jew people from the very first, Schindler had been insensitive to the problems the Jewish people underwent. The film hence brings Stern to represent the elements Schindler lacked (Loshitzky 26). As the film progresses, Schindler starts experiencing a gradual change in character and heart concerning his Jewish people. In one of the scenes, Schindler witnesses the evacuation of the Krakow ghetto by the Nazi people (Keneally 65). He majorly got touched after seeing the girl with the red coat tortured by the Nazi’s.

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