Monday, August 19, 2019

Creation In Schools Essay -- essays research papers

Creation in School   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The debate of Creation versus Evolution. This has been a very heated debate since Darwin published Origins of Species in 1859. The reason for this debate comes from the contradicting ideas that this book has with the theory of Creation set forth in the Bible. Due to the fact that is extremely hard to prove what created the earth, people have wrestled between these ideas for the last one hundred and forty years. When Evolution was first introduced it was widely rejected because it went against what people were brought up to believe. Evolution has so far stood the test of time and has become more widely accepted, to the point to which it is taught in our schools. Where Evolution has found its way into the school curriculum, the theory of Creation has not. Some people feel that it Creation should get equal time to Evolution in schools. In this paper I will use what I have learned from Professor Swenson’s Christian Theology course and my personal feelings to tr y and express why there is no reason for the theory of Creation to be taught in school. Creation is based on Christianity and you must understand Christianity before you can make claims. Christianity is a very strong force that works in many people’s lives. It gives us morals to live by, inner strength, a reason to live, and much more. It is based on God creating the world in seven days. Most everyone has a religion and can try to imagine what would it be like to live in a world without religion? The way in which religion structures a society helps it to be more successful as a whole. Stanley Tambiah would agree with this, because its similarities to the Trobriands, a tribe that he studied the rituals of and found that the rituals they performed had practical purpose along with the mystical meaning. The Trobriands had certain rituals they must perform when eating yams and they could only eat them at certain times. If the Trobriands did not have the structure to there society all their yams would be eaten to quickly and the tribe would starve. As for our culture, do we need this structure? Americans are in no trouble of running out of yams. Maybe this is why we see a decline in religion in the United States and other developed countries. The practical purpose for Christianity is no longer needed and the religion is losing speed. Although we do not need thes... ...gious parents are trying to use in order to get their religion taught in school. As for me, I would not mind other religions being taught to my kid, I would want my children to know all the information before they go off believing just anything that I taught them. He could make the choice for himself. Although I can see where these things would help, I believe there would be too many complications in trying to teach it. On top that I also feel that it should be left at that without an argument. If a parent were to push any further, I would have to question their responsibility. Schools do not have to teach you child everything they know. Schools teach so much already, do you want your kid to only learn stuff from school. As a parent I would hope that I could at least teach my child religion along with many other things. We have become so dependant on school, it seems somewhat ridiculous. Back when my Grandfather was at school it was completely different. To bring this to a close I would like to say that although I am a religious person and would like to see what my faith calls on taught in school, but I believe the controversies it raises lays this idea to rest. Creation In Schools Essay -- essays research papers Creation in School   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The debate of Creation versus Evolution. This has been a very heated debate since Darwin published Origins of Species in 1859. The reason for this debate comes from the contradicting ideas that this book has with the theory of Creation set forth in the Bible. Due to the fact that is extremely hard to prove what created the earth, people have wrestled between these ideas for the last one hundred and forty years. When Evolution was first introduced it was widely rejected because it went against what people were brought up to believe. Evolution has so far stood the test of time and has become more widely accepted, to the point to which it is taught in our schools. Where Evolution has found its way into the school curriculum, the theory of Creation has not. Some people feel that it Creation should get equal time to Evolution in schools. In this paper I will use what I have learned from Professor Swenson’s Christian Theology course and my personal feelings to tr y and express why there is no reason for the theory of Creation to be taught in school. Creation is based on Christianity and you must understand Christianity before you can make claims. Christianity is a very strong force that works in many people’s lives. It gives us morals to live by, inner strength, a reason to live, and much more. It is based on God creating the world in seven days. Most everyone has a religion and can try to imagine what would it be like to live in a world without religion? The way in which religion structures a society helps it to be more successful as a whole. Stanley Tambiah would agree with this, because its similarities to the Trobriands, a tribe that he studied the rituals of and found that the rituals they performed had practical purpose along with the mystical meaning. The Trobriands had certain rituals they must perform when eating yams and they could only eat them at certain times. If the Trobriands did not have the structure to there society all their yams would be eaten to quickly and the tribe would starve. As for our culture, do we need this structure? Americans are in no trouble of running out of yams. Maybe this is why we see a decline in religion in the United States and other developed countries. The practical purpose for Christianity is no longer needed and the religion is losing speed. Although we do not need thes... ...gious parents are trying to use in order to get their religion taught in school. As for me, I would not mind other religions being taught to my kid, I would want my children to know all the information before they go off believing just anything that I taught them. He could make the choice for himself. Although I can see where these things would help, I believe there would be too many complications in trying to teach it. On top that I also feel that it should be left at that without an argument. If a parent were to push any further, I would have to question their responsibility. Schools do not have to teach you child everything they know. Schools teach so much already, do you want your kid to only learn stuff from school. As a parent I would hope that I could at least teach my child religion along with many other things. We have become so dependant on school, it seems somewhat ridiculous. Back when my Grandfather was at school it was completely different. To bring this to a close I would like to say that although I am a religious person and would like to see what my faith calls on taught in school, but I believe the controversies it raises lays this idea to rest.

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